

politics. money. religion.

i believe that these are the three taboo topics at dinner parties, weddings, etc. somehow, though, a guest of a wedding i attended managed to bring up ALL THREE for an entire night. nice.

in one way, it's all good. this year, i am more interested in politics than ever before. it's also a tougher year for me to pick a candidate to follow. i have finally pushed myself enough to become more educated on the issues . . . and figure out which issues are actually important to me.

i do think it's tough to become educated because of all biases present in friends, media, websites, etc. i did find a few websites that have been helpful in outlining the issues with each candidate without bias. check them out if are having as much trouble as i am in distinguishing what the candidates REALLY think. he, he . . .

Select Smart (you will have to click on the top link after answering to avoid solicitations, but includes ranking interest level of issues.)
Select a Candidate Quiz (a bit shorter, easier - includes ranking interest level of issues)
Pick your 2008 Presidential Candidate (easy, includes ranking interest level of issues)
Compare the Candidates (allows you to simply put the two candidates side-by-side)


but what am i supposed to do when my percentages are consistently equal or near equal. grrrrrr . . .


Amber said...

how cool! I was actually looking for some of these types of links. Thanks!

Lindsey Roth Culli said...

the way I see it, you will NEVER agree with on candidate 100% of the time on 100% of the issues.... you have to decide which issues are the most important to the effective running of a country.

I lined up with a 44 for one and a 7 on the other on the second link.... haha!

really, though, at the end of the day, I think both parties are more similar than either would like to admit.

kjp said...

Biased friends??? I have NO idea what you're talking about...

Reuters.com is a pretty good unbiased website as well. Good luck!!

(Hooray for registration!)

katelin said...

for me, the hardest part has been defining what i really believe are the most important issues. Although a candidate looks (and sounds) appealing, don't let your emotions be swayed by the facts. There are many people I enjoy being friends with that I agree with very little on.

So step 1 = define your primary issues, then look to see which candidate supports what you believe. Not the other way around.